Roodt Bio bubbles, a versatile stain removing product that many cloth diapering parents swear by.
Use Roodt Bio bubbles (oxygen bleach) to disinfect (strip or deep clean) and brighten cloth diapers. Roodt Bio Bubbles was patented as a cleaner, sanitiser, disinfectant and fungicide, all Earth Friendly
To STRIP cloth nappies:
Use approximately 1/2 to 3/4 cups of bio bubbles per 4 Litres of water.
Method: (you will need a bucket for your strip.)
1) Determine how many litres of water your bucket holds to determine how much Bio Bubbles you will require as mentioned above.
2) Full bucket with warm water- no more than 40°c
3) Add required amount of Bio Bubbles
4) Stir until dissolved.
5) Add nappies and soak for no longer than an hour
6) Rinse and wash as usually.
*Yes one does use a lot of product when "Stripping" Cloth nappies, but as we all know Stripping of cloth nappies should only be done when Absolutely necessary.

Household Uses:
*Clean dishcloths and dirty tea towels in a strong solution of Roodt Bio Bubbles and hot water to remove dirt and grease.
*Sprinkle on slimy paths and driveways, dampen, then leave for at least 12 hours, brush off.
*Remove stains on concrete by sprinkling on and adding water until you have a paste, leave overnight then scrub with a brush and hose off.
*Revive your silverware by soaking in 1/2 cup of Roodt Bio bubbles to 3 litres of hot water in a bowl lined with aluminium foil. Leave for about 15 minutes or until the tarnish is lifted. Give the items a good rinse and buff until shiny.
*Scrub chopping boards to get rid of lingering smells without tainting food. Rinse thoroughly.
*Clean your toilet by sprinkling 2 tbsp into the bowl, leave for 10 minutes then clean with a brush.
*Get rid of whiteflies and mites in your garden by spraying plants with 1/2 cup Roodt Bio Bubbles to 6 liters of water solution.
* To keep drains clear, every couple of weeks pour 1/4 cup of Roodt Bio Bubblesdown your drains
and flush with water,
For drains that are already clogged, pour down a cup of Roodt Bio Bubbles followed by three cups of boiling water, repeat this twice.
*Clean your rubbish bin with a strong solution, which will help to remove dirt and grime.
*Boil 3 to 4 tablespoons of Roodt Bio bubble to clean inside of your kettle.
*Add a cup of Roodt Bio Bubbles monthly to just water in your washing machine to clean the system.
*Mix to a paste using water and clean grouting
Ingredients: sodium percarbonate chlorophyll